Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome Brandy MacDonald, new Intended Parent Coordinator!

Heart to Hands is pleased to introduce Brandy MacDonald, our Intended Parent Coordinator.  Brandy will be working with Intended Parents to process paperwork, work on profiles, and case manage through the entire surrogacy journey!  

In Brandy's own words:
Brandy MacDonald, IP Coordinator
"The transitions of a growing family is a fragile time for everyone; a time full of hope, fear, unknowing, and hopefully, love, support and strength. I have always believed that a family needs to be surrounded by loving support during this beautifully enormous time in their lives. As a doula and a midwife, I have found my calling in the role of supporting families. As a mother of a beautiful child conceived with the gift of donor sperm, I know first-hand the knowledge that there is a child meant to be, and of not knowing the how or when that child would be. I have such high esteem for the people who so consciously welcome new life, and keep the hope of new life threw all of the fears. Additionally, I am in awe of the people who offer such profound gifts to create family. As the Intended Parent Coordinator at Hearts to Hands Surrogacy, I lend my support to everyone in your growing family, hoping to create a loving and empowered growth experience for all."
Welcome, Brandy!

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